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Parent & Student Handbook



“Direct your children onto the right path, 

and when they are older, they will not leave it.”

Proverbs 22:6

North Liberty Christian School 65225 State Rd 23 North Liberty IN 46554

phone: 574.804.1077 e-mail:




Mission Statement

     North Liberty Christian School provides a safe Christ  centered environment where students are challenged to achieve both academic and spiritual excellence. NLCS seeks to empower students to live a life that is centered around their faith in God and to daily live out their faith in all they do. 



     North Liberty Christian School is dedicated to providing a quality education with Christian values. We strive to honor Christ in partnership with parents and the Christian community by educating and motivating students to excel academically both now and in the future, to develop a confident Christian worldview, and to impact the world for Christ.


Statement of Faith

As a ministry of North Liberty Church of Christ( NLCC), North Liberty Christian School is inseparable from NLCC and is, therefore, in agreement with and bound by the doctrinal beliefs of the church. This position includes at least the following:

God: We believe in One God who exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that God existed in these persons from the beginning. We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son, became flesh so that God could be revealed to humanity and so that he could become the Savior of the world.

Humanity: We believe that all people were created in the image of God and are wired to be in fellowship with Him, but we became alienated in that relationship through sinful disobedience. As a result, we were separated from God and unable to regain that fellowship with him by our own efforts.

Salvation: We believe that Jesus Christ died on a cross as the ultimate sacrifice for all sins to offer forgiveness to all people. We believe that God offers salvation and forgiveness freely to all who recognize Jesus as king and place their faith in the death and resurrection of Him as sufficient payment for their sin.

Scripture: We believe the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God, recorded by people who were moved by the Spirit to record his words and promises to the rest of mankind, and that the Bible is without error.

The Church: We believe that the church is the body of Christ, of which Jesus is the head. The church is made up of all who have trusted by faith the finished work of Christ. The purpose of the church is to bring glory to God by loving others and serving as the hands and feet of Jesus.


Non-discriminatory Statement

North Liberty Christian School’s admission policy is non-discriminatory. NLCS admits students of any race, color, ethnic or national origin. NLCS believes that all individuals were made in the image of Christ and will treat everyone with dignity and respect. Leaders, employees, and volunteers understand our emphasis in representing a loving, Christian identity and environment. Applicants to NLCS should become familiar with the beliefs and teachings of our school as outlined in this document and school board policy. While NLCS does not require that students or families subscribe to our beliefs, it is expected that students and families understand that our beliefs are presented as normative at NLCS.




Applications are accepted throughout the school year and enrollment is based on availability. Parents and guardians may access applications and enrollment information at

Academic Readiness

All prospective students must show readiness for the grade level chosen on the application. Past performance will be reviewed through report cards, formal progress reports, behavior records, and teacher evaluations from prior schools attended. The principal has final say in determining a grade level for a student. Children entering kindergarten must have reached their fifth birthday on or before August 1st of this school year.  

Required Forms & Fees

For individual student admission, parents are required to fill out all the documents on Jupiter Ed, our online student information system. These include application information, health questionnaires, media release, field trip permission forms, and technology agreements. All required forms on Jupiter Ed must be signed before a student is considered enrolled.

In addition, several forms are required that will need to be turned into the office after completion. These forms are required by the Indiana Department of Education for a child to enroll.

  • ●  Copy of child’s birth certificate

  • ●  Immunization records (or exemption - contact the office if you are seeking an exemption)

  • ●  Physical Exam Form - one required for student at time of initial enrollment

  • ●  Medical Action Plan - for students with asthma, seizures, severe or life-threatening allergies or diabetes

  • ●  Medication Administration Form - for students requiring medications at school (OTC or prescription)

  • ●  Prior school records/transcripts (including report cards, complete discipline records, etc.)

  • ●  Financial Documentation if applying for Indiana School Choice Voucher program


Tuition & Fee

All fees are required to be paid in full prior to the first day of school. Tuition may be paid in full, each semester, or in ten monthly installments (August 1st – May 1st). A minimum of the first monthly payment & is due no later than the first day of school. Tuition & fees may be paid in person or online via JupiterEd. Invoices are emailed monthly. If a student attends NLCS but withdraws prior to count day, that student’s family is responsible for paying all fees as well as tuition per day the student attended prior to withdrawal.

Please check the tuition contract on Jupiter Ed for more information on annual tuition rates. There is a registration fee and book fees that are due before August 1st of the current school year. Tuition payments are due and payable on the 15th day of each month. If tuition becomes more than one month overdue, the student will be withdrawn from school until tuition is paid up to date. There will be a $20.00 charge on all returned checks. Two returned checks within a school term will warrant a cash only basis.


Children with Exceptional Educational Needs


Students requiring special class placement are accepted if their needs can be reasonably accommodated in the school. Initial enrollment will be on a tentative basis with the understanding that in the event the exceptional needs of the student can not be accommodated for by the school, the custodial parents or guardians will agree to enroll their child in another school system that can accommodate the special needs of exceptional children.




NLCS believes in open communication with parents and families. If you are concerned about an issue, please reach out to your child’s teacher, the principal, or office administration. We are happy to meet with you to discuss any concerns. We strongly recommend that all parents check Jupiter Ed regularly. This allows you to monitor your student’s attendance & academic progress. It is also an easy platform to reach out to your child’s teacher with any concerns. We expect all parents to update their settings in Jupiter Ed. You can choose to receive a web message, email, or text notification for school messages, behavior notifications, absences, or grade alerts. We recommend all parents keep all 3 boxes checked - web message, email, and text notification - for emergency alerts, messages, behavior alerts, absences, and grades  (The access to the grades feature is at the discretion of each individual teacher). This allows you to be constantly aware of any issues your student may be experiencing in school. Please note it is the parent’s responsibility to update these settings in Jupiter Ed and to monitor student attendance and grades. NLCS will monitor these issues on our end as well, but ultimately it is the parent’s responsibility to know where their student stands. If you are not sure how to update your settings in Jupiter Ed, please ask the office for help.

In addition, NLCS will respond to emails, phone calls, and inquiries in a timely manner to the best of our ability. We have a limited staff and many of our staff members perform multiple tasks in the school. During the school year, messages sent Monday through Thursday will be responded to within 24 hours. Messages sent on Fridays or over the weekend will be responded to on the next in-person school day. 


NLCS Parent/Teacher Organization

All parents of NLCS  students can be members of the NLCS Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO). The PTO exists to enrich school life through parental participation and to develop fundraising opportunities. If you are interested in participating, please contact the school office. We welcome and value every parent’s involvement and contributions. Thank you for sharing your interests, your talents, and your time with us.


Background Checks

All individuals, including parents with a desire to participate in volunteering or visiting with students in activities such as chapel, lunchroom, assisting in classrooms, or attending field trips will be required to complete a criminal background check at least 2-3 days in advance. Any individuals who have not passed the background check will not be allowed to interact with students or attend field trips.



All visitors, including parents, are required to check in and out at the school office upon entering (and exiting) the school. Students must be signed in and out by parents upon late arrival and early leave.


School Closing/Delays

North Liberty Christian School follows the same schedule as John Glenn School Corporation. Regarding holidays and weather conditions. If announcements are made on the radio and/or television concerning delays or cancellations due to weather, then NLCS will follow that same schedule in relation to JGSC. NLCS will send out an email via Jupiter Ed  to inform our families of cancellations and delays. Please be sure to check your email regularly.  



School begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. The school doors will be open at 7:45 a.m. and supervision of the children will begin at that time. Children should not arrive before that time. Upon arrival, students are to come inside the building immediately. Students are expected to be at their desks and ready to learn at 8 AM. Please try to arrive by 7:55am.  This will allow adequate time for students to get settled at their desks prior to the start of the school day. If students arrive after 8:00 AM, parents are required to physically walk students into the building so they can be signed in.

School is dismissed at 2:45 p.m. each day. We ask that parents promptly pick up their children at this time or no later than 3:00 p.m. Students are not allowed to wander about the school building or outside. If a parent is not at school at the designated time to pick up their child, the student is to the office and wait until his/her ride is available. 


Motor Vehicle Regulations

Parking lot speed is 5 mph. Students are to come directly into the building. We also have daycare parents dropping and picking up their children. Please be aware of them and the school buses that pick up and drop off in our lot. Please be careful to observe all motor vehicle rules and follow the designated plan of entrance and exit. No vehicles will be permitted to park in front of the building during school drop off and pick up hours. 

Please follow the flow of traffic shown on the following NLCS parking lot image.  Note the student pick up and drop off area as well as the teacher and parent discussion area. Parents must pull forward to the designated conference area in order for the pick up line to keep moving.                    





School Attendance

Consistent attendance is expected of all students and is a major factor in achieving academic success. Indiana law requires students to be in attendance for 180 days per school year.


The State of Indiana Department of Education requires that students be in full attendance for 180 days.

Excessive tardiness and/or absences must be reported to appropriate agencies by school officials.

“IC 20-33-2-25 Habitual absence from school; report to juvenile intake officer or department of child services

     Sec. 25. The superintendent or an attendance officer having jurisdiction shall report a child who is habitually absent from school in violation of this chapter to an intake officer of the juvenile court or the department of child services. The intake officer or the department of child services shall proceed in accord with IC 31-30 through IC 31-40.”

We understand that there are times when students are unable to attend school. Parents are required to give prior notice of a student’s known absence and in the case of an emergency (sick, etc.), notify the office by 8:30am, via phone: (574)-804-1077 or send the office a message on Jupiter Ed. 

Absences may be either excused or unexcused. EXCUSED absences are ones that NLCS regards as a legitimate reason for missing school. These include illness verified by a note from parent/guardian or healthcare provider, doctor’s appointments or funerals for example. Whether an absence is excused or unexcused is at the discretion of the principal.

UNEXCUSED absences are any absences not covered under the definition of excused as outlined above.

NLCS is required to report students who are habitually absent or tardy to the state. Students who miss more than ten (10) days of school within a school year or more than 10% of the school days will be reported to the state. Parents will be notified before this report is made.



Students who are not in their assigned rooms, with all belongings put away and ready to begin the school day by the official start of school (8:00) will be recorded as “TARDY”.

For every 7 total tardies, the student will receive a one-day in-school lunch detention. Students who incur more than 8 total tardies for the school year will lose privileges including but not limited to time off of recess, field trips, or other events at the discretion of the principal.


UnExcused Absences per School Year​

# of Absences                 School Response

5                                        Parent Letter 1

8                                        Parent Letter 2

10                                     Meeting with Parent

After 10                            Truancy Office Notified

Tardies per Quarter

# of Tardies                     School Response

5                                        Parent Letter 1

6                                        Parents Letter 2

7                                        Lunch Detention

8+                                      Lunch Detention and/or loss of privileges, with each consecutive tardy


Doctor and Dentist Appointments 

IN ADVANCE of the appointments, the school should receive notification that the student will be out for these appointments for them to be excused. The student should report back to school immediately after their appointment if school is still in session. The student shall bring a signed school note from the doctor, dentist, counselor, lawyer, etc. This note will excuse the absence.  Parents must communicate with the office and their child’s teacher in regards to upcoming appointments via Jupiter Ed.

Student Vacation Policy 

     The full value of a student’s education is jeopardized when instructional days are missed. Of course, illness and family emergencies are valid causes of absence. Family vacations should be planned to coincide with the North Liberty Christian School calendar. Should a family elect other days of absence, those days will be considered unexcused. 


Snack, Milk & Lunch Program 

    Snacks are greatly encouraged for your child for the morning break. It has been proven that children need to replenish their minds for learning with healthy snacks (i.e., fruits, vegetables, bagels, muffins, cheese, crackers etc.). Please leave snacks with a high sugar content at home. Milk will be provided at lunch. At this writing, the North Liberty Christian School does not offer a daily hot lunch program. We do however have hot lunch provided by parents a couple of days a month at the cost of $3.00 per lunch. 


Medication Policy

     By state guidelines, students are not to administer their own prescription medications. Rather, prescription medication for your child should be brought to the office. Parents will need to fill out the “New Medication Form”  on Jupiter Ed before new medication will be administered at school. This note will include the child's name, prescription name, and when to administer the medication. Prescription medication should be brought in the original container with the doctor’s orders printed on the label. The administrator, in accordance with the directions given with the prescription, will give medication to the student. The administrator is not allowed to give any medication without the parent’s signature.

     All over the counter medication, including cough drops, must be turned into the office. The Medical Information and Consent Form is filled out once a year upon school registration on Jupiter Ed. If the over the counter medication being brought in to school is not on the consent form, a new medication form must be filled out. The medication must be labeled with the student’s name and will be kept in the office.


NLCS Dress Code & Appearance


 Believing that the desire of the parents and responsibility of the school has to do with the child’s life, the following has been established as a school dress code. The parent and child are responsible for seeing that the student is properly dressed when attending school and any related school functions. The dress code applies to all school activities, both at home and away.



  • Pants, shorts, skirts, or jumpers must be navy, khaki, or black in color, plain in design.

  • Jean material pants, leggings alone, sweatpants, athletic shorts, pants with holes in them are not permitted.

  • Polo's or blouses, can be any color but must be a solid color NO DESIGNS.

  • Sweaters, sweatshirts, and crew sweatshirts may be any color, but a solid color, NO DESIGNS. No hoodies.

  • Tennis shoes should not have flashing lights. NO Flip Flops. Sandals must have a heel strap and be comfortable to play on the playground.


  • Skirts and shorts must follow the finger tip length or longer rule.

  • Hair color should remain in a natural color with the exception of crazy hair day.



  • Hair should be kept neat and cut short enough that hair does not get in the eyes or become a distraction.

  • Pants should be worn on the waist. Pants should never be low enough for underwear to show, please use a belt to keep pants up, if necessary.

  • Hats are not to be worn during the school day. Hats can be coming and going to school and at recess.


  • Shirts, camisoles, and tank tops are to be worn, when necessary, under clothing.

  • Bra straps are not to be visible.

  • Shorts or solid colored leggings must be worn under jumpers and skirts.

  • Yoga pants or leggings must not be worn alone. Long shirts must cover the butt when wearing yoga pants on casual days.

Casual Day:

Students will have designated days where they do not have to wear uniform clothing called Causal Days. On those days, kids still must follow the above guidelines pertaining to neat, clean, and modest appearance.


Change of Address/Phone Number

Any change of address or telephone number, including a work number or cell phone, should be reported to the administration immediately. Parents will need to update their information on Jupiter Ed as well. 


Textbook/ Library Books

 The purchase of textbooks is the responsibility of the parents or guardians. Students are responsible for the upkeep of the textbooks. If they become worn out or torn due to a lack of responsibility on the student’s part, or if the student loses his/her textbooks parents will be obligated to replace text- books and material. Textbooks and materials are a necessity for learning. Parents will be held responsible for the replacement of any lost or unreturned library books checked out of the school library or St. Joseph County Public Library, North Liberty Branch.



 The basic school subjects are the tools for later life and learning. North Liberty Christian School gives careful attention to Bible, Phonics, Penmanship, Spelling, Reading, Grammar, Composition, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health, Geography, History, Physical Education, Music, and Art. The textbooks used present subject content in an equal and optimal educational opportunity through multi-sensory curricula. The principles of scripture are then naturally woven into the subject content, thus providing an integrated approach to education. 



Chapel services are an integral part of the ministry at NLCS. All students attend chapel services every Wednesday. The focus of chapel is to provide a genuine worship experience for the student body. Special speakers, music, drama, and religious films are used in this service to focus the student’ attention on his/her commitment to Christ and the Christian way of life. Parents and visitors are welcome at chapel services



Prayer is a part of every classroom activity and program within the school. All conferences and decisions are covered in prayer. We ask that the parents pray daily for the teachers and staff as well as their own children.     


Student Field Trips

Field trips must have the consent of the administrator. Students will be accompanied and supervised by school staff if the trip is sponsored by NLCS. The administrator will use discretion and good judgment regarding the number of staff and parents to accompany the students. Permission trip forms for field trips will be sent to parents via Jupiter Ed. Permission trip forms must be completed for a student to attend a field trip.

Grading Policies & Procedures

Letter and numerical grades are given on the report card in all subjects for grades one through six. Numerical equivalents are indicated in the “Semester Average” column. The following letter grades are given with their numerical equivalents:


          A+     100

          A       99-90

          B       89-80

          C       79-70

          D      69-60

          F       59 & below


Grade Reporting

Report cards grades k-8 will be issued every nine weeks. The school calendar will indicate the dates on which the report period ends. Grades will be available to be seen via Jupiter Ed at the teachers discretion.  A printed report card will be given to parents each marking period.



The assignment of homework should be expected.  Student grades will reflect the completion of all work, including outside assignments.  Homework is also part of the student's preparation for assessment tests.


Homework will not be used for disciplinary reasons but only to enhance the student's learning.  Homework is the responsibility of each student at North Liberty Christian School.

  • Students should:

  1. listen in class.            

  2. write down assignments and know when they are due.

  3. be responsible for completing and turning in assignments on time.

  4. do assignments neatly, accurately, and to the best of their ability.

  • Parents should:

  1. show interest in the child’s work and assist the child when needed.

  2. check over homework.

  3. provide a quiet place and daily time for the student to complete work.

  4. confer with the child’s teacher when concerns arise.


NLCS homework time scale is as follows:

Kindergarten: 20 minutes                    5th grade: 40 minutes*

1st grade: 25 minutes                          6th grade: 50 minutes*

2nd grade: 35 minutes                         7th grade: 50 minutes*

3rd grade: 35 minutes*                        8th grade: 60 minutes*

4th grade: 40 minutes*

*When larger projects are assigned, this may require more time to be spent at home to complete projects.



The teacher’s professional judgment will be a major factor in determining retention. Parents will be asked to a conference with school officials regarding retention. The administrator will work closely with the teacher and the school board in deciding the course of action that will be best for the child’s future.


Basic School Rules


  1. Students will be expected to attend all assemblies, chapels, and classes on time.

  2. Students will be expected to arrive and leave all school functions in an orderly fashion.

  3. Students and parents shall be held responsible for damage done to school, equipment, buildings and furniture.

  4. Students are not allowed in the kitchen unless supervised.

  5. Students should wait in a designated area after school for parents to arrive.

  6. If a situation should arise where students need to be excused from class while class is in session, the student should make sure he/she has permission from their instructor. Students should never leave class without the instructor’s permission.

  7. Chewing gum is not allowed.

  8. Running in the building is strictly prohibited.

  9. Radios, cell phones, CD players, iPods, or any electronic devices are not allowed on school grounds without the express written permission of the administrator.

  10. Students will not wear unprescribed glasses in the building.

  11. In all fairness to the student body, a Christian school is designed to create an environment conducive to learning. If you have any other ideas in mind besides those mentioned above, please consider withdrawing your children from school, as it will save you and your family much time, effort, and energy. We do not like the heartbreak involved when we must dismiss those students who will not conform to the policies set forth herein.


Physical Contact

The actions of each student at North Liberty Christian School should reflect the high standards of Christian morals and principals. It is, therefore, expected of each student to refrain from public displays of affection while on school grounds.


Classroom Rules

Students will be expected to exhibit good classroom manners and conduct themselves at all times in a manner that is conducive to a learning situation and regarding fellow students.

  1. Answer all adults respectfully. Students must address their instructors and school personnel by Mr., Mrs., or Miss.

  2. Listen while others are speaking. Raise your hand to get permission to speak.

  3. Be courteous and considerate of those around you who are trying to learn by refraining from writing or passing notes, tossing objects, or being disruptive.

  4. Be always neat and keep your classroom clean.

  5. Exhibit responsibility by coming to class on time and with all necessary material and supplies.

  6. Assignments must be turned in on the due date. All late work will result in one letter grade lower per day it is late.




The administrator and/or teacher are vested with the responsibility for control of the students. Students will be held responsible for their actions and shall conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity, showing regard to fellow students and those in authority. Students will conduct themselves in a manner, which is conducive to a learning situation. Each teacher will make every effort to counsel the student to resolve the problem without administrative involvement. However, students deemed by a teacher to require an administrative conference will be sent to the office on a disciplinary referral for further action.


At North liberty Christian School, certain offenses require a trip to the office:

  1. Fighting (Ephesians 4:2-3)

  2. Lying, cheating, or stealing (Exodus 20:15-16)

  3. Disrespect to a Staff Member, Rebellion, or Outright Disobedience (Ephesians 4:29-32)

  4. Sexual Connotations, Obscenity, Profanity or Coarse Joking (Ephesians 5:3-5)


Disciplinary procedures when sent to the office:

For the purpose of creating a respectful Christ-like environment, NLCS carries the high expectation of each student making the proper choice at all times, while recognizing that students will make poor choices (sin). If a student misbehaves or fails to follow through on expectations clearly set before him or her there will be consequences. Staff members may choose from the following list of consequences according to each child’s individual needs and the offense.


**PLEASE NOTE - It is the responsibility of EACH PARENT OR GUARDIAN to access Jupiter Ed regularly to monitor their student’s grades, attendance, communication from teachers, disciplinary records, etc. Notification settings are available for every record in Jupiter and should be turned ON. NLCS is not responsible if a parent/guardian does not receive a notification in Jupiter Ed because they chose to turn off certain notification settings. If a parent or guardian is not sure how to use Jupiter Ed, they are encouraged to call the office for assistance.**


Level 1:     Log behavior on Jupiter Ed

     Loss of classroom privileges or recess privileges

     Separation from classmates          Other appropriate response

Level 2:     Log behavior on Jupiter Ed

     Loss of classroom privileges or recess privileges

     Separation from classmates           Lunch Detention(1day) 

     Parent/Staff conference                  Other appropriate response

Level 3:     Log behavior on Jupiter Ed & parent will be notified either verbally or via email

     Lunch Detention (1-5 days)            Referral to counseling services 

     Loss of classroom privileges or recess privileges

     Other appropriate response by administration for misbehavior

Level 4:     Log behavior on Jupiter Ed & parent will be notified either verbally or via email

      Suspension (1-5 days)                          Expulsion

     Other appropriate response by administration for misbehavior

The school board is notified of any out of school suspension or behavior that may potentially meet criteria for expulsion from NLCS.


Suspensions or Expulsions

     Suspension may be necessary when other disciplinary efforts have been unsuccessful. It is the desire of NLCS to counsel students to make better choices before coming to a suspension from school. 

     Expulsion is the final disciplinary measure used only when all other disciplinary techniques have been exhausted, or when the severity of the offense, in the opinion of the administrator and/or School Board, warrants expulsion.

     The Administrator has the authority to administer all disciplinary actions except expulsion. The decision to expel a student fromNLCS will be made by majority vote of the School Board. Any student returning from an out-of-school suspension will be re-admitted only after a parent or guardian communicates with the administrator. No credit will be given for any work missed during the suspension. 


Withdrawal Procedures

     The procedures for withdrawal are as follows:

  1. Authorization for withdrawal must be made in person by parent or guardian to the administration.

  2. Upon withdrawal, parents are required to pay 50% of the remainder of the tuition for that school year.


Armed Response Team


     North Liberty Christian School is an educational institution with the primary objective to provide a secure environment where effective teaching can take place free from unpredictable distractions. Throughout the year teachers serve in various roles and numerous capacities, but their primary role is loco parentis.  As teachers stand in the role of a parent or take on the legal responsibility of some aspects of the parental role, safety and security is a chief concern.  Students cannot learn effectively in school if they do not feel safe physically or emotionally.  Part of instilling a sense of safety in the student body is by providing security training for both staff and students.  An additional component for providing security is by being able to, if necessary, physically defend students from an intruder.  NLCS has an obligation to take precautions allowing us to be wise with the lives of both staff and students. Only board approved, qualified, trained, hand-picked personnel will be armed with firearms to guard against threat at NLCS. The official list of approved ART members will be kept confidential from students and the general public at all times. Only staff, board members and law enforcement will have access to this list. 





     As a parent, you are a critical component of your child’s education. The administration at NLCS wishes to partner with you to provide your child(ren) the best possible education. However, we recognize that the majority of a child’s instruction occurs not in the classroom, but in your home. Below is a list of our expectations of you as parents of NLCS students.

  • 1)  I agree to follow the NLCS dress code anytime I am in the school building or on school grounds. This includes cleanliness, modest dress appropriate for a school setting, and clothing with no offensive words or logos.

  • 2)  I agree to communicate regularly with the school and teachers as requested via phone, e-mail, or the student-information system. I will respond to NLCS’s attempts to contact me within a reasonable time frame.

  • 3)  I agree to pay required fees (including tuition, before/after-care, and registration fees) on time. I recognize that not paying fees when they are due may result in consequences as outlined in this handbook. I also agree to contact the office with any financial issues.

  • 4)  I agree that I will supervise my student’s use of technology and NLCS property including curriculum, textbooks, etc. I agree to monitor my student(s) use of technology and the internet and to report any concerns to the school. I understand I am responsible for the cost of replacing lost or damaged NLCS property.

  • 5)  I agree to provide a loving and nurturing environment to my child(ren) at home.

  • 6)  I agree to work with my child to make sure class assignments and projects are completed and to encourage my child as they pursue an education.

  • 7)  I will contact the school administration or principal with any concerns. I will treat all NLCS staff with respect and will not harass, intimidate, or use offensive language.

  • 8)  I have read and understand the faith statement and biblical teachings outlined in this document. While I may not agree with them all, I recognize that these teachings will be presented as normative during my child’s education at NLCS.

  • 10)  I agree to abide by (and have my child abide by) all COVID-19 rules and regulations as per NLCS
    administration’s policy. I understand my child is at risk for COVID-19 even if all recommended safety
    precautions are followed and will not hold NLCS liable.

  • 11)  I will provide all required financial documents to allow NLCS to apply for an Indiana School Choice voucher on my student’s behalf if I choose to apply. I will report my income, household size, address, and all other required information accurately on these documents. I understand that if I provide dishonest or fraudulent information, I risk losing my child’s Indiana Choice Scholarship and I will be responsible for paying the cost of my student’s tuition & fees. I understand that if I provide dishonest or fraudulent information, this is potential grounds for dismissal of my student/family from NLCS.

  • 13)  I have reviewed the Parent & Student Handbook and agree to abide by the policies outlined therein.



  • 1)  Privilege of Attendance: I/We understand that my/our child’s attendance atNorth Liberty Christian 

  • School is a privilege, not a right. If at any time my or my child’s conduct, academic progress, or cooperation with NLCS’s administration is not in keeping with the school’s requirements, regulations, policy, or statement of faith, I/we understand that the NLCS school board reserves the right to expel my/our child. I/we also agree that in the event I/we cannot continue to support NLCS relating to the progress/education of my/our child, I/we agree to withdraw my/our child from NLCS in a quiet and orderly fashion. I/we understand that if I/we withdraw or are requested to withdraw my/our child, no refund of fees and/or used tuition will be made.

  • 2)  Acceptance of Handbook: As a parent/guardian, I/we accept all NLCS regulations as presented in the NLCS parent-student handbook. This includes the NLCS mission, vision, core values and statement of faith. It also includes parent/guardian expectations. I/we fully support the school board, NLCS staff & administration in observance of such regulations & doctrine. I/we support the Christian learning environment and culture at NLCS. I/we understand the NLCS handbook may be amended throughout the year and the latest version is available by contacting the student office.

  • 3)  Student Discipline: I/we authorize NLCS to employ love-mediated discipline as necessary if my/our child violates NLCS’s expected student conduct and/or behavior. I understand that it is my responsibility to monitor my student’s behavior in Jupiter Ed. I agree to keep behavior notification settings turned “ON” in Jupiter Ed so that I receive updates when a behavior issue has been posted. In addition, I understand the behavior expectations of my student and the disciplinary consequences of misbehavior as outlined in this handbook. I understand my student could potentially be expelled for repeated offenses or an offense deemed severe enough by the school board to warrant expulsion.

  • 4)  Tuition & Fees: I/we agree to pay all tuition & fees within the requirements as outlined in the handbook and requested by NLCS administration. I agree to provide all required financial documents and to fill out all voucher application information accurately and ethically. I understand that all fees paid to NLCS are NON-REFUNDABLE. I understand that if I/we expect a refund on any tuition paid, I/we must submit a request to the NLCS office within 1 week of student withdrawal. I also understand that if I withdraw my student from NLCS  prior to count day, I am responsible for paying the full cost of fees and tuition per day attended. In addition, I accept responsibility for replacement costs of any lost or damaged school materials and agree to pay these costs within 2 weeks of being notified.

  • 5)  Communication: I agree to make sure all contact information in Jupiter Ed is correct. I understand that it is my sole responsibility to provide updated contact information to NLCS and in Jupiter Ed in the event something changes. I will keep notifications turned “ON” in Jupiter regarding attendance, grades, and behavior issues so that I am aware when an issue occurs.

  • 6)  School Activities: I/we give permission for my/our child to participate in all school activities and absolve NLCS from any liability to us/me or my/our child because of any injury to my/our child at school or during school activities. I/we request the school to contact me/us but also waive and release NLCS from any liability in regards to these circumstances. If NLCS is unable to contact me/us or the provided emergency contact when circumstances indicate immediate action is warranted, NLCS may make whatever arrangements are required in its best judgment.


By signing this Agreement, I/we agree that I/we have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the NLCS Parent & Student Handbook, parent expectations, and NLCS Parent & Student Handbook Acknowledgement statement. This includes but is not limited to the NLCS mission, vision, and statement of faith. I/we have read, understand, and agree to be bound by NLCS policies. I understand that updates or changes to this document may be made during the school year and that I can access the most current version of the handbook at any time by contacting the school office.

Please note if a student lives with or is in the custody of more than one parent, then BOTH parents must sign this agreement.

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